Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The genius sales lesson of the seaweed guy

My husband and I went to a seafood restaurant the other night where I experienced an amazing lesson in sales that I’ll remember forever. I love looking for sales lessons in everyday, real-life interactions (side note: you should too) because they truly can teach us so much, and I’m sharing my insights on my interaction with the owner of this restaurant in this episode.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to create a Zoom background that doesn’t make you wanna puke with Carly Thornock

Zoom backgrounds are something I’ve never really given much thought to. My stance on it has always been to the tune of, “Just make it work and don’t worry about it.” While that’s a respectable position that might help you get out there to share your work, when my guest on the show today offered me some amazing ideas to think about, I had to bring her on to share them with you too.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to make better business decisions

How are you currently splitting your time and energy in making business decisions? If you’re like most people, you’re torturing yourself over getting the name of your podcast just right, coming up with the perfect Instagram bio, or having the most beautifully curated photos. And I have to give you a reality check: none of that matters.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Processing clean pain in business

As coaches, we have to go out there and risk failure and rejection, feeling misunderstood, or even getting criticized or canceled. Maybe you put your heart and soul into a launch, only to watch it flop, or a client you’re really invested in turns around to ask for a refund. This hurts, but are you making the experience clean pain or dirty pain?

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to design 1:1 coaching offers

A question I received recently is one I’ve been increasingly noticing in the coaching industry. Someone asked, “It seems like everybody is doing programs and courses nowadays. Is anybody doing one-on-one coaching anymore?” Well, my answer is heck yes, and there are so many people out there seeking it out.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Marketing from your butthole with Danielle Savory

Join Danielle Savory and me for the freakiest marketing conversation in podcast history as Danielle shows us what it means to let your butthole be your North Star, and how to build safety in yourself to know your wants.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Paleo Marketing Challenge

Coaches, I know you love a challenge. You guys have lapped up previous marketing challenges I’ve offered and have created amazing results from them. And this week, I’ve got a huge treat for you because I’m presenting you with a brand new marketing challenge I came up with that I know is going to be incredibly powerful.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to not be preachy

Many coaches come to me with the awareness that their marketing - whether that’s writing copy for their sales page, an invitation to work with them, or an opportunity to teach their people - sometimes comes off preachy. I mean, after all, we have the wisdom, tools, and resources to help, so why not?

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