How to not be preachy



For weekly marketing inspiration on

Many coaches come to me with the awareness that their marketing - whether that’s writing copy for their sales page, an invitation to work with them, or an opportunity to teach their people - sometimes comes off preachy. I mean, after all, we have the wisdom, tools, and resources to help, so why not?

We’re dying to help because we love the work we do and we’ve experienced our own massive transformations. You’re most likely not showing up to your marketing with the intention to be preachy, but you might be accidentally stepping into a position of self-righteousness that presents a double-edged sword: it’s not desirable to your people, and you’ll constantly be running into walls of frustration. 

Listen in this week as I show you why championing your ideas doesn’t have to mean exercising power or superiority over your people. Instead, I’m showing you how to approach your marketing with an energy of collaboration and allyhood, what this looks like, and how everything can change when you make your business a safe and mutually attractive place for people to land. 

If you want to dive deeper and do the work of unearthing what makes you unique, and you want a step-by-step process for showing up in a way where people look to you as the authority and expert, whether without a niche or a very specific one, I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why you shouldn’t be preachy in your marketing. 

  • The most common signs of preachiness. 

  • Why being preachy comes from a sense of domination and control. 

  • How to approach your marketing with collaboration instead of power over. 

  • What true collaborative, allyhood-based, non-preachy marketing looks like and can create for you.

Featured on the Show:

  • Sign up to my email list and receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips!

  • If this episode is making you think, I would love if you could share your thoughts with me over on Instagram!

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