Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

My Best Advice on Pricing

Your pricing is a reflection of the demand you command for your coaching expertise. But, this isn’t how most people think about pricing. They usually tie it into their value as a coach and what other coaches are charging. My philosophy on pricing addresses this, and three other principles I encourage you to adopt.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Miraculous Money Thoughts with Maryam Ebtehadj and Sogol Pahlavan

This week, I’m so honored to be featuring two beautiful souls from my Joyful Marketing community, Maryam Ebtehadj and Sogol Pahlavan. You guys are in for an amazing treat today because what I’m sharing with you completely blew my mind, so strap yourselves in.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Rocking your business with chronic pain with Dr. Andrea Moore

Chronic pain is a reality for so many of my clients, and it’s impacting their ability to market and focus on their businesses. And not only is physical pain an area of shame for them but judgment and frustration usually follow close behind. So today, I’m speaking to life coach and chronic pain expert, Dr. Andrea Moore, and she’s here to validate your experience and show you how it’s 100% possible to make your chronic pain an ally on your business-building journey.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Scarcity detox

If you make just one change in this new year, let it be what I’m inviting you to join me in this week. I’m proposing all of us go on a scarcity detox, and it’s going to turn your whole life and business upside down in the best way possible.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Three phases of marketing mastery

Whether your marketing currently feels mysterious and stressful, or joyful and fun, knowing exactly what phase you’re in is the key to reaching a level of mastery. If, like so many coaches, you’re confused about what it takes to radically up-level your copy, or how to unleash your creative flow, this is the episode for you.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to create ethical urgency in marketing

I think all of us have been subjected to various forms of unethical urgency in marketing that drum up a psychological fear of missing out and leave us feeling anxious. There’s no shortage of this type of energy in the world, but taking this tactic on in your coaching business is not effective.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The honor of making money for money’s sake

There’s this stigma that exists in the world that declares making money just for the sake of wanting more of it as bad. We’ve picked up the social programming that says desiring more money is shameful and morally wrong, and I’m here this week to tear that assumption apart.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to use intuition to guide your marketing

There’s a lot of talk in the life coaching world about intuition and using it to guide our work. In my corner of the industry, I see two camps of coaches who either operate entirely from their intuition, and those who aren’t necessarily skeptical of it but tend to lean more on their rational, logical thoughts.

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