Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

My unconventional launch secrets

The truth is nobody is going to approach launching or think about business exactly the same way I do, or the way you do. It might not surprise you to know that I love doing things my way, which often means going against conventional wisdom, and I hope that my unconventional launch secrets trigger fresh ideas in you about what you want to fold into your launches.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Hack your sales page in one hour with Miish Grixti

Does writing copy for your sales page feel like typing away into the void without actually connecting to your people? Are you ready for your sales page to no longer be scary or overwhelming? If you are, you’re in luck because there’s only one person I trust in the whole entire world to make sales pages something truly joyful to write, and she’s here on the podcast.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

When excitement doesn’t lead to sales

Have you ever had that experience of coming up with the most amazing idea for an offer, writing the most incredible copy about it, and feeling so excited and fired up about offering it to the world?

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The secret to consistency

Consistency is one of those topics that I get really fired up about. There are going to be tons of people who tell you consistency is the key to success, and they’re right. Consistency is how I’ve built my business from zero to a million dollars, but while it’s a term that gets bandied about often, it’s so tragically misunderstood and misapplied at the same time.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Shamanic shape-shifting with David Bedrick

David is recounting tales from his work of shamanic shape-shifting, and he’s letting us in on the structure and set of skills required to undergo this process. There is a wisdom, method of inquiry, and cognitive and somatic exercises that make up the skill of shamanic shape-shifting, and we’re uncovering it all in this episode.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Defrosting the wild animal inside you with David Bedrick

David Bedrick is a therapist, ex-attorney, author, researcher, and founder of The Santa Fe Institute for Shame-Based Studies. He calls himself a psychological activist, and he describes his own upbringing and experience of shame as his deepest credential. Together, we’ve teamed up to create a five-week intensive course designed to uproot shame so you can develop a new framework for relating to yourself, and you’re hearing all about it today.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Shame and intersectionality with Amanda Kingsley

Shame is a topic that comes up often for people who have experienced abortions. As someone who is a huge fan of reproductive rights, and as someone who can’t shut up about shame and the crucial process of unlearning shame, I jumped at the opportunity to take a deep dive into this discussion with Amanda.

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