Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Chronic illness and million dollar brains with Monet Combs

While Monet’s form of neurodiversity wouldn’t conventionally be lumped under what you might consider the term to include, such as ADHD or autism, she’s got a unique standpoint to share with you today. Her chronic illnesses have affected her whole life, especially academically, and she believed for such a long time that she was just dumb, when in reality, as you’ll hear, she is anything but.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Why ADHD is your business-building superpower with Megan Kierstead

As a successful life coach with ADHD myself, I could not be more grateful for Megan hosting the show this week to impart her wisdom about how to create a successful business with ADHD. It’s so exciting to hear about this “condition” being spoken of in a new way, with lots of scientific support, and if this is your lived experience too, I know you’re going to gain so much from listening in today.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Trauma and radical self-trust with Coco Madari

Today, I’m so proud to feature my client Coco Madari. Coco is one of the youngest Black coaches to make six figures in their business and also a gifted performance artist and activist. They’re one of the fiercest, most unapologetically original minds in the coaching world. And what they’ve managed to create at such a young age just knocks my socks off.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Depression as an ally in creating a 6-figure business with Melanie Hill

I’m so proud to introduce Melanie Hill, a fabulous marriage coach who built a six-figure business over the past year. Today, you’re going to hear Melanie talk about her history of depression, alcohol abuse, and even how she was briefly institutionalized. Trust me, the work she’s done to become the woman who just made six figures in 10 months – and how she did it by embracing and listening to her depression instead of raging against it – will blow your mind.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The metaphysics of a 7-figure business with Sunny Smith MD

To discuss the metaphysical, the magical, the woo, and non-logical side of business, I have on Sunny Smith MD. Sunny is not only a life coach, but she’s a physician, clinical professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at UC San Diego School of Medicine, and the founder of the acclaimed coaching community for physicians called Empowering Women Physicians. And she knows a thing or two about making decisions that lead to truly enchanting results.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The surprising reason you’re not booking clients

So, you’re showing up on social media, making offers, telling people you’re a coach, and all you’re getting back are crickets. Nobody’s reaching out asking how they can work with you, but you feel so solid in what you have to offer that you’re left with your hands in the air, completely confused. Sound familiar?

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Making money through pregnancy and maternity leave with Stacey Boehman

As most of you know, I’m pregnant right now, and I’m planning to take a couple months off from my business for maternity leave. We women are so conditioned to believe in our productivity signaling our value, and so if you’re pregnant too, or you’re planning to get married, or you’ve suffered a loss and need to take time off, you’re not alone if you find yourself drowning in worry and anxiety about being taken out of your business.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Showing up authentically vs as a “hot mess”

Life is full of ups and downs, which means we’re inevitably going to have days or even weeks where maybe our lives aren’t exactly going the way we want. You might feel like a hot mess, you’re falling apart, all the while having to keep the other plates spinning, so what do you do then?

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