Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Sovereignty and right relationship with Karen Hawkwood

This week, Karen and I explore the balance between sovereignty and communality, what it means to be in “right relationship,” and the complicated relationship we humans have with the inevitability of decay and loss, amongst so many other juicy nuggets that we dive into.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The five percent pledge with Sarah Kennedy

I’ve personally always wanted to be someone who actively contributes with money to causes that I care about, and truthfully, I got sick and tired of my own bullshit excuses for why I couldn’t or had to wait. So, I bit the bullet and came up with the 5% pledge, and it’s been the best business decision I’ve ever made. And this week, I’m dissecting this topic with my client, Sarah Kennedy.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The best of Joyful Marketing coaching moments

In this “best of” episode, I’ve selected five snippets of coaching calls that I know will illuminate exactly what it’s like to have a coach in your brain, helping you through your drama. Even amidst tears and hard realizations, these calls always end up being such a fun party where my clients get that instant boost of clarity and confidence they need to go out and market their asses off, so I think you’ll find just listening in transformational for your own business too.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to manage your nervous system to unleash your genius with Bryn Bamber

I’ve brought Bryn on today to discuss the impact of our nervous systems on our marketing, and how to get it on our side, working for us. If you experience paralyzing fear over what to post, or how to get your message across to your audience, you need this episode. This is not optional, nice-to-have extra information, and I promise it’s going to change everything once you see how your stress cycle and nervous system is playing out for you right now.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Marketing perfectionist fantasy

Believing that your marketing success is always just out of reach keeps you stuck, my friends. You’re living in a marketing perfectionist fantasy that one day you’ll have the time, skills, knowledge, or personality you need to market well. What if right now, in this moment, you have everything you need to be a badass marketer?

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Creating your first paying clients with Lori Krikorian

My client Lori Krikorian is on the show this week, and she’s been in your shoes. She’s a self-discovery coach who helps women and girls overcome their insecurities, grow in their confidence, and thrive in life. But she was a life coach for five years with not a single paying client, until she figured out how to turn the faucet on and the clients came flooding in.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Model Heresy

To me, self-coaching is nothing if not interfacing with magic and spirit and it really is the secret behind all of my genius, all of my great ideas, and all of my most inspired moves. And now, you get to experience that magic too. I’m teaching an upcoming class called Model Heresy where you will learn my approach to self-coaching and and how to use it in your own life.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to tell intuition apart from brain noise

One of the things we experience when we’re on the path of following our dreams and becoming the next best version of ourselves is - you guessed it - failure. We all wish listening to our intuition guarantees us success or a result we want on the other side, and so when we inevitably experience some negative emotions along the way, it feels like our intuition has done us wrong.

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