Making money through pregnancy and maternity leave with Stacey Boehman



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As most of you know, I’m pregnant right now, and I’m planning to take a couple months off from my business for maternity leave. We women are so conditioned to believe in our productivity signaling our value, and so if you’re pregnant too, or you’re planning to get married, or you’ve suffered a loss and need to take time off, you’re not alone if you find yourself drowning in worry and anxiety about being taken out of your business. 

This week, I’ve got the one and only Stacey Boehman on the show. She’s not only my coach, mentor, and friend, but she has played a huge role in my own family planning trajectory. She’s shown me that we do not have to compromise on our goals and dreams as women just because we want to live full lives that include a family and an amazing business, so get ready for an episode full of life-changing gems. 

Join us today as Stacey and I invite you to question how you’re interpreting your value as a coach right now. I’m sharing some of the results I plan on creating while I’m on maternity leave, how Stacey coached me through these decisions, and why we can choose to leave behind the narratives we’re fed about our value as women in business. 

If you want to dive deeper and do the work of unearthing what makes you unique, and you want a step-by-step process for showing up in a way where people look to you as the authority and expert, whether without a niche or a very specific one, I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!

If you want a shot of fresh inspiration and actionable tips to improve your marketing every single week, sign up to my email list. By signing up, you’ll receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips, so get on it!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Stacey has been a critical part of my own family’s trajectory over the last couple of years. 

  • Why, as women, we don’t have to be forced to choose between having a full life and having a strong, profitable business. 

  • How I plan to run my business during my pregnancy and upcoming maternity leave and how Stacey coached me through these decisions. 

  • The results I decided I wanted and how I worked the model backwards from this point.

  • Why thinking of your value as equivalent to the effort you put in or actions you take is not useful. 

  • The philosophy Stacey has developed about the balance between running her business and having a life. 

  • Why we have to stop fueling the societal narrative that women should get paid less if we have babies. 

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