Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How I made 2 million dollars - Q&A Part 3

If you’re currently hemming and hawing, spending precious time and energy thinking, dissecting, and overanalyzing every business decision, you do not want to miss this episode. I’m giving you insight into the mindset work and tangible actions that I took so you can kill it at every stage of your growth, even when it’s hard and uncomfortable.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

The 2 million dollars belief plan - Q&A Part 2

If you’re tired of living with your wings folded in, scared of failing, and sick of hiding from your potential, I invite you to start your own belief plan. I’m sharing all the beliefs I’ve compiled over the last couple of years that are now a part of who I am, and my top tips to help you get started imagining the outrageous, heart-opening, universe-expanding beliefs possible for you too.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How I made 2 million dollars - Q&A Part 1

When you let joy be the driver of your business, there is so much to celebrate at every stage of business. But exuding an air of love and fun doesn’t mean I didn’t have lots of growing pains and moments of excruciating soul searching along the way, and it doesn’t have to stop you from letting your marketing and selling potential explode either.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Doing harm through marketing

Since you started marketing your coaching business, have you had anyone tell you that what you’re doing isn’t right, or accuse you of intentionally causing harm? I’ll wager this has happened at least once to every single coach out there, and it likely made you feel shame and guilt, wanting to just shut down and vanish off the face of the planet. But what if I told you that causing harm is inevitable in business?

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Transactional marketing

It’s so easy for us to get drawn into an expectation and attachment of what marketing can do for our business, and let’s be clear, we all want to make money. But this underlying energy is not attractive, people can sniff it out from miles away, so it’s time to fix it and I’ve got some very simple ideas I’m offering you on today’s episode.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to avoid marketing like an asshole

If marketing and selling your coaching business doesn’t feel good to you right now, you’re probably not marketing with integrity. Don’t start beating yourself up about it though because there’s so much nuance to be defined, and you’ll find everything you need to know about not marketing like an asshole right here.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

Asshole Brain, the song by Jessica Heimsoth

Jessica is a fully-booked life coach who specializes in working with Christian adults with ADHD. She wrote a song called Asshole Brain, it’s hilarious and catchy as hell, and I’m speaking to her today about the creative process behind it and how it speaks to what all of us coaches go through as we’re growing our businesses.

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Simone Grace Seol Simone Grace Seol

How to decide what to invest in

Join me on the podcast this week as I outline 3 things you need to know about smart investing, and the questions you need to ask yourself so you will not only make great decisions you’re thrilled with, but show up as the rockstar student and success story in any room you choose to be in.

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