Welcome to the Good Place…

…where all your copywriting woes melt away.


  • being able to conjure “inspiration” on demand

  • writing copy in minutes, NOT hours.

  • people telling you “I log in just to see if you’ve posted something new!”

  • telling folks “DM me,” knowing that people are actually going to DM you.

This isn’t an unattainable fantasy.

This can be you.

Hand-on-heart, really.

I don’t care if you aren’t even sure what your business is, don’t feel like you have your offer nailed down, have always struggled with writing, or feel utterly mystified by making consistent sales with your copy.

No matter where you’re starting from, believe me: you can be THAT copywriter. And it doesn’t need to take years and years of work.

Who am I to know that?

I’m Simone, your resident bossy Korean mom.

I’ve got a few flexes: I’ve written grants that won 6-figures of funding for non-profits, raised over a million dollars for humanitarian causes, and earned over 10 million dollars of revenue in the past handful of years.

That’s all to say: I know copy that opens hearts and moves big money.

But I wasn’t born some kind of copy genius. (I read my college application essay — which, one could say, is a form of copy — the other day, and nearly un-alived myself from the cringe. Ugh, what was I thinking?)

And I am pathologically allergic to manipulative, corporate-style, soul-less conventional copy advice. Which I spent years and years trying to follow while absolutely dying inside. Sigh…

So, I had to cobble together my own education on how to write effectively, without compromising on heart and soul.

You can learn to write just as well, too. To be sure, this is a rare skill, but 100% attainable through knowing some solid, heart-centered principles and practicing.

My own process of becoming a great copywriter took me 20 years of trial and error.

I have distilled everything I learned in that time, and made it as simple and actionable as possible, so that it can take you 2 months instead of years.

Don’t get me wrong. True mastery will require a longer timeline, and ongoing devotion to the art of writing.

Not everyone moves at the same pace, and that is a good thing. Plus, faster is not necessarily better.

But you don’t have two decades just to learn copywriting, right?

You truly can save yourself years of avoidable mistakes, having to comb through all kinds of manipulative copy advice that doesn’t sit well in your soul, and have everything you need to (1) fix some of the biggest issues, (2) rewire some of your most stuck patterns, and (3) start to see some big-ass results in just 7 weeks.

And that’s exactly what my copywriting course, Writing with the Sword, is designed for.

Wanna know more? Here’s our game plan.

Writing with the Sword, starting May 8th, is a 7-week intensive group adventure, where you get to have me as your personal copy fairy and editor. You’ll learn everything I know about writing soulful and ethical copy that works, get plenty of practice sharpening your tools, and do it in the company of some of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet.

(One of my superpowers is attracting the most incredible group of students that end up being genuine friends, supporters, referrals and cheerleaders for each other. I don’t know how it happens, but it does, every time!)

What you will learn:

The Magic of the “Right Person”

  • There is a “right person” profile for your business. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with niches, or the often-taught “ideal customer avatar.” Fuck that shit. I'll teach you how to identify your "right person," and make them come out of the woodwork — almost as if by magic.

The “Addictive Copy” Recipe

  • Yes, there IS a recipe! I actually reverse-engineered this process by looking back on my most viral posts, and most responded-to emails. Aha -- clear pattern emerged, and I myself follow it religiously. Now, it’s yours, too.

Befriending the Darkness

  • We're not here for the "Love and Light" stuff. You know that right? To become a true leader, and not just an 'influencer', you must not shy away from dark topics that most people would rather avoid — both personal, and of the larger world. I'll teach you how to write about the hard stuff in a way that feels good to you, and is actually useful for people.

The Superpower of Specificity

  • The epidemic of vague copy needs to stop! I will teach you how to write in a way that is so specific that makes people say "ARE YOU READING MY DIARY??" and makes you stand out from the “Sea of Beige."

Pro-level Editing

  • It's all about the editing, baby! There is a specific sequence I take myself through after I write the first draft to cut the fluff, hook their attention, and keep them reading all the way until the end… and of course, make it irresistible for them to take action. And it takes minutes, not hours. Grab my entire detailed guide for this.

Cash-generating Copy

  • There are about a handful of extremely simple things you should be doing that will help you to sell a lot more. Emphasis on SIMPLE!!!! I will guide you through the steps, and help you establish a habit of doing them consistently. (None of them will feel gross, I promise.) And then you make more money... for the rest of your life. Simple as that.

7 whole weeks of implementing the shit out of all of these. With me as your mentor + cheerleader. YES.

Ready to write some outstanding copy?

What people are saying about Writing with the Sword


  • Dates: Wednesday, May 8 - Wednesday, June 26 (7 weeks total)

  • Price: $500

  • Exclusive written + audio trainings

  • 6 live 90-minute Q&A calls on Zoom with Simone (dates TBA and will be optimized for different time zones around the world; all calls recorded + replays available)

  • Access to a private Facebook group for the length of the live program (May 8 - June 26). This is where so much of the juicy learning and community interaction happens, and Simone is deeply present and engaged in the Facebook group. You are highly encouraged to participate, even if you don’t normally do Facebook.

  • Please note: The bulk of the teaching is delivered through the written + audio trainings, and the Facebook group. The live calls are just a cool place for us to talk face-to-face, but it only happens once a week, whereas I’ll be in the Facebook group, answering questions and mentoring you all week long.



Hold on. There are bonuses!

Pretty damn fantastic ones, too. Each one could be a “main course” on its own!

Bonus #1: Simone’s Email Secrets

Email is how I’ve grown organically from zero to millions of dollars without ads. And I will share all the know-hows and lessons I learned from taking an email list of 100 and expanding it into a 20,000+ list… and more importantly, created a community of incredible humans around me. And as part of this bonus, you’re also getting:

  1. A compilation of my best-performing emails from the year that was my “big break” (this PDF is soooo damn juicy… it inspires even me, reading it now!)

  2. A mini-lesson on writing great subject lines — including a list of my top-performing subject lines! So fun.

Bonus #2: The Book of Never-Ending Copy Prompts

Every single copy prompt I’ve ever written, I put in ONE document. There’s — gulp — 284 of them. (Just try to “run out of things to say” with this monster under your arm.)

What past students said about just a small portion of this list:

Yup. They’re that good.

Bonus #3: The Irresistible CTA Guide

Most people make the same handful of glaring mistakes in writing their calls-to-action. I will share the unlikely hacks that take the ick out of writing CTAs, make it sound infinitely more HUMAN and CARING, and actually make people WANT to respond without feeling like they’re being “sold to.”

This alone can boost your response rates dramatically.

Bonus #4: The Ultimate Book of Copy Q&A: The Expanded Edition

I’ve made this super-useful free version available here. (Go download it now, if you haven’t yet!) Now, get the expanded pack, with even more of your questions answered. We are leaving no stones unturned. This book is exclusive to this course only, and going to be your new BFF.

Bonus #5: Fix Your Damn IG Bio: The Cheat Sheet

Reading most people’s IG bios make me want to cry. I’m not saying this to be mean, but so many people are scrolling straight past your elevator pitches and “I help” statements and IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!!!!

I’ll teach you the unlikely hacks for writing bios that activate that “I want to stalk this person and be their BFF” response in in your right people. Result? More follows and engagement from the right people.


There are six 90-minute live calls via Zoom with Simone. Please note that these are not TEACHING calls. The lessons are delivered through written + audio trainings, and we’ll get together on live calls for Q&A and mentoring.

the schedule is staggered so that members around the world can join live. All calls are recorded and replays will be available within 48 hours. 

Even though calls are optimized for different time zones, EVERYONE is welcome to every call they can attend live.

  • Wednesday, 5/15: 1 - 2:30 PM KST (12 - 1:30 AM EDT)
    (optimized for Asia/Oceania)

  • Wednesday, 5/22: 8 - 9:30 PM EDT
    (optimized for Americas + Asia/Oceania)

  • Wednesday, 5/29: 9 - 10:30 AM CEST (3 - 4:30 AM EDT)
    (optimized for Europe/Middle East/Africa)


  • Wednesday, 6/12: 1 - 2:30 PM KST (12 - 1:30 AM EDT)
    (optimized for Asia/Oceania)

  • Wednesday, 6/19: 8 - 9:30 PM EDT
    (optimized for Americas + Asia/Oceania)

  • Wednesday, 6/26: 9 - 10:30 AM CEST (3 - 4:30 AM EDT)
    (optimized for Europe/Middle East/Africa)

Praise for Simone’s Courses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Course schedule & curriculum FAQs

I can’t be there for the live calls! Will there be replays?

First, please note that these are not teaching calls; the actual lessons are delivered by text and audio trainings in advance of the calls, which are only for Q&A. Simone will also be answering questions and interacting with you extensively in the Facebook group all week long, so that everyone has the opportunity to get their questions answered at any time.

That said, the call schedule is staggered so that students from every time zone has the opportunity to join live. All calls will be recorded and you will get access to the replay within 48 hours of the call.

Are you going to offer this again? Will the course be available to purchase later? 

We have no plans to offer the course live again, but you can purchase the “self study” version anytime. The main difference is the ability to join the weekly calls live and having access to the private Facebook group (which will run May 8 - June 26 before being archived.) The price will remain the same.

When’s the deadline to join? 

You can join the live session anytime between now and June 26. After that, you can purchase the course anytime, but you won’t have access to the Facebook group.

How long will I have access to the course material? 

You’ll have lifetime access to the course via our course portal, Kajabi, and the Facebook group will be archived (meaning you can read all content but you cannot make new posts or comment) after the live session ends on June 26, 2024.

Is this for me if I’m not a coach or don’t have a business? 

This is not, in any way, intended specifically for coaches. Everyone is welcome; just know that, while you are not at all required to have a business, many of the teaching and examples will contain references to business.

How is this different from your How to Write Specific Copy masterclass? 

How to Write Specific Copy is an excellent introduction, but this 7-week live course will cover an entirely new paradigm on the same theme, capturing Simone’s latest thinking.

I’m not on Facebook. Can I still participate? 

Yes. Participation in the live Facebook group is encouraged, but it is completely optional. All of the core course material will be available in the course portal in Kajabi. 

I have other big commitments during the live course period, and don’t know if I will have enough time. How much time will I need to allot for this course?

We’ll send out a written PDF lesson each week prior to the call for you to read, as well as an audio version of the lesson if you prefer to listen. We recommend you attend the call live or watch the replay each week. You can jump in and ask questions in the Facebook group and participate as much (or as little) as you like. You’ll have lifetime access to the course materials in Kajabi.

I’m in! Is there any pre-work I need to do to prepare? 

It’s completely optional, but we recommend doing one round of the Garbage Post Challenge if you haven’t done so already. 

What’s the next step after the course? 

You can continue to work with the material on your own or join us at HOME, if you’re not already a member. Your full course fee ($500) will apply to your HOME membership; you’ll receive a coupon code after registering. 

Payment FAQs

Do you have a payment plan? Do you offer discounts or scholarships? 

No, not for this course. Please know that we don’t believe in FOMO… we trust that you will instead join us if/when the time is right. (If you already know you want to join HOME, you can join us there and Writing with the Sword is included; we do have payment plans available for lifetime HOME membership.)

Do you accept PayPal? 

Unfortunately, we can’t accept PayPal. We do accept Zelle, Wise, and bank transfers, in addition to debit and credit cards. If you would like information for any of those options, please contact us at support@simonegraceseol.com.

Is this available for free to members of HOME (and legacy JM members)? 

Yes. You will be granted access automatically in Kajabi and will receive the course emails. Do NOT register separately.

Is this available for free to BFCC/ICW grads?

No, this is a separate purchase. 

Are you offering a money-back guarantee for this course?

No — all sales are final.