Marketing and codependency with Maria Victoria Albina

Victoria Albina wearing a black and white striped top, clear glasses, and her brown hair down, smiling at the camera.


For weekly marketing inspiration on

My clients are some of the smartest, most creative, passionate, and brilliant people I know. At the same time, they tell me they can’t get consistent with posting, or have trouble making offers because they get frozen with fear about how they’re simply not good enough. This disconnect doesn’t require more belief or thought work. It calls for tending to your nervous system.

Maria Victoria Albina is an NP, MPH, and Master Certified Life Coach who is trained in sensory motor psychotherapy and somatic experiencing. She helps women and non-binary folks with codependent, perfectionist, and people-pleasing thinking stop feeling stuck, and she’s here to highlight the importance of nervous system work when it comes to marketing. 

Join us this week as Maria Victoria shows us how most marketing problems you face are down to codependency, and how to break out of this cycle. She’s outlining how emotional outsourcing develops, and why taking massive action isn’t about following more business strategies or filling your calendar, but rather tending to your nervous system. 

The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What emotional outsourcing means. 

  • The two systems at play that train us to not live from our worth.

  • How emotional outsourcing develops, and how to break out of it.

  • Why codependency, people pleasing, and perfectionism drives a desire to lower your prices.

  • How our nervous system programming is in play when we market.

  • Why you need to tend to your body if you want to take massive action.

  • The keys to healing your nervous system.

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