How to make 14K in 4 weeks: Interview with Katy Arrington, Coach for Artists

This episode is a must-listen if you are a creative spirit AND a coach.

Katy Arrington is an artist and a life coach for artists, and one of my most remarkable clients. 

In my mastermind, she created well over $14K in 4 weeks, from both her original art and coaching.  It might seem like an instant success story, but behind those numbers, I know that there was so much hard work, unwavering commitment and willingness to grow through failure.

I asked her on the show so that I could take my listeners behind the scenes on her journey. 

In this conversation, we talk about: 

  • How to find your voice as an artist AND a coach (hint: it's the same process)

  •  The ONE emotion that made Katy so much money

  • Why “worst case scenario” work can change everything

  • How to create marketing excellence even when you have little experience 

  • How to build resilience AND enjoyment in the process of growth

... and so much more.


Show notes:
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How to create a "fully booked" mindset


How to create a thriving business with ADHD