How to create a "fully booked" mindset

I run an exclusive business training program for life coaches called the 6 Months to Fully Booked Mastermind.

With my mastermind students, the very first thing we work on is how to step into who they want to become NOW -- in other words, how to be in "fully booked coach" energy right away.

We do that before planning or strategizing on anything, because upgrading your own energy is the fastest way to get different results.

When you are in that energy, you carry yourself differently. You end up writing stronger copy, making more confident offers, and attracting more ideal clients who clearly see the value of your offer.

In this episode, I share the 3 most important cornerstones of the "fully booked" mindset, and share tips for how you, too, can get started creating it.


Show notes:
Apply to the 6 Months to Fully Booked Mastermind.


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