3 un-skip-able sales essentials



For weekly marketing inspiration on

There is so much marketing and sales knowledge out there. While all of it can be helpful, what often happens when you try to apply it all is a sense of overwhelm. What you risk is your marketing getting murky because you’re getting sidetracked, floating in a million different directions. 

So, how do you cut out the noise and make sure you’re staying anchored in your message? If you’re quick to snap up everything I have to offer and are dying to pay me, that’s because I’ve distilled all the sales and marketing know-how out there into three un-skip-able essentials, and I’m sharing them with you today.

Tune in this week to discover the three foundational, unchanging, un-skip-able sales essentials I always use to audit my sales message. These are simple, pragmatic steps that need to be supported by thoughtful intention, experimentation, and curiosity, and I’m showing you how to begin doing that work right now so you can become a selling megastar.

The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • 3 essential, un-skip-able principles of marketing and sales.

  • Why you might not be selling to your full potential right now.

  • What it means to have your marketing and sales process be energetic and pragmatic. 

  • How you might be hiding your identity as a coach, and how to explore this for yourself.

  • The difference between helping your people get what they want and telling them that you can help. 

  • Why I make millions of dollars in my business. 

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