Simone’s Summer Camp

This is my viral SUMMER HIT of a business refresher course!

This is something I’d never created before… a business training that is actually SUMMER CAMP (because… wheeeeee!!! camp!), in which I give you the exact, step-by-step what to do for 2 weeks.

(If you’ve been a client of mine, you know I NEVER tell you what to do, even when you hate me for it!)

Seriously, my goal is to literally spoon-feed you the instructions for taking your business to the next level, wherever you are. Like, "Do this, and then do that. And then do this."

Because I want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to get that breakthrough.

This includes teachings I’ve never shared before.

No stone will be left unturned.

No one will be left wondering what to do next.

But, do note....  The work WILL challenge you and push you out of the same-old same-old patterns of thinking and taking action...

... so if you’re like, “I just want to relax, and not tax myself emotionally!” you'll want to skip this.

But I will say, for those who WANT to do the work, it will also be exhilarating and fun as fuck.

But I will say, it will also be exhilarating and fun as fuck.

And it's $100.

I know. CRAZY.

If you’ve been wondering how to come up with the money to pay for HOME… well, this is it. ;) 

Let’s put you on the FASTEST possible track to making that tuition (and have your $100 payment count toward your HOME purchase -- yes, really!)...

... whether you want to spend it on HOME, buy yourself a small Chanel clutch, or take yourself to Aruba in August. 

🏖 🏝 ☀️ 🍹 

This is for:

  • coaches who are new.

  • coaches who are not new, but are like, “I need to shake some shit up and inject a shot of PROFITABLE DISRUPTION into my business”!

Whatcha waitin’ for?
Register today.

See you inside… 

Summer Camp already happened live July 17-29, 2022, but you can still join today for the self-guided version!


IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN HOME, YOU GET FREE ACCESS. (Check your email for your VIP code!)




“Biggest Takeaways:

“CELEBRATING THE POWER of my neuro-divergent, queer, mystical, bad bitch, boss babe self in all my radiant glory.


“I MAKE THE RULES IN MY BUSINESS: surrendering my attachment to doing things the “right” way; the right way is what’s best for ME. There is not timeline of how things are “supposed” to play out


“CREATING IN YOUR BUSINESS FROM A PLACE OF JOY AND EASE IS THE FASTEST PATH TO RESULTS: seriously, what a difference the mindset shift is after feeling how playful this container has been.

“SPEAKING FROM THE HEART, NOT FOR THE ALGORITHM: I feel like I released the constant worry of doing all the things “right” in order to show up…. and can fully embrace showing up in imperfection and authenticity now more than ever before.

“ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART: it is for the brave, vulnerable souls willing to consistently honor real time experiences. We are always doing our own work in tandem with showing up for clients.

“HONORING YOUR FLOW IS THE CATALYST FOR CHANGE: feeling more anchored in my own magic more than ever before…. embracing all the wild, weird

“FALLING IN LOVE WITH MY BUSINESS AGAIN: really feeling the power of the work I’m here to do with unapologetic conviction.”

— Serena

“The Central Nervous System replays alone are already more than worth the money.”

— Keiwa

“This summer camp was everything, I’m going home dirty, sweaty and with a rainbow of paint colors smeared on my face and a pep in my step!

“I have come back home to the spirit of my business and trust myself again.

“Here comes the moment of offering little friendship bracelets I have made!”

— Ash

“Just wanted to say a big thank you to Simone Seol, her amazing #campcounselors, and the 4K beautiful people who showed up so authentically. It’s been REALLY inspiring!

“I thought about throwing in the towel as I began this journey as a Parent Coach but I was reminded that I can take my time. I can show up authentically and serve others and the rest will come!”

— Mayra

“My Summer Camp wins:

“Creating the play date I wanted to create. For the me who loves long, indulgent conversations this meant a two hour session and I charged for it.

“My relaxed and soothed nervous system which is a result of years of deep work in connecting to my body

“Allowing myself to feel inspired by rather than intimidated by the way everyone else was showing up and what they were doing

“Resting when i wanted to rest

“Seeing a client was too tired and needed to rest rather than be on the playdate and being totally OK with rescheduling

“Daydreaming, visioning, getting lost in research rabbit holes

“Connecting with so many amazing humans and hopefully soon-to-be friends

“Realizing that no one really knows what they’re doing and we’re all just answering our calls, honoring our musts.”

— J

“I just got off my 8th playdate call and I am feeling alive, activated, and so, so damn grateful.

“Gratitude to Simone for creating this space.

Gratitude to the camp counselors who have held space for us, helped us soothed our nervous systems, and reflected so much back to us.

“Gratitude to each and every single one of you in this group who showed the fuck up, in all the ways and allowed this group to be a constant source of inspiration and a much needed breath of fresh air.”

— Jessica

“I’m celebrating:

“More than tripling my investment in Summer Camp (i charged a small amount for my playdates)

“Showing up more for my business than I have all year

“Selling out my playdates AND having a waitlist in less than 48 hours

“Multiple clients asking to work with me after the playdate call

“What a beautiful and wild ride!”

— Jess