Non-Abusive Selling

Banish hype, manipulation, gaslighting, pain-point-pushing, scarcity-generating, and all other forms of fuckery from your selling… and still make bank.

How? Let me tell you…

Selling is actually like nurturing a sexy consensual relationship.

Seriously, take a second with me and think of a relationship as a metaphor for selling. There’s that first encounter… and the flirting. There’s the build-up of tension… foreplay… and eventually, the consummation.

Every step of the way, transparency and respect are vital.

Now, let’s think about what it takes to nurture such a relationship. Sometimes, you need to take charge. There ARE times when someone needs to push, tease, and even dominate to seal the deal (with consent, of course)… and it’s the sexiest thing ever. *cracks whip*

Imagine someone was into you, and you were into them… but they never called them or made a move because they didn’t want to be seen as “pushy”?

That wouldn’t be good! If you did that in sales, that will NOT pull the numbers you want, but more importantly, it is not what serves your customers.

Let me teach you how to do that sexy push-pull thing with consent, for mutual pleasure, and in a way that results in abundant sales for you AND has your people trusting you more, and feeling safer with you.

In this game-changing, conventional-wisdom-flipping masterclass, I am not just sharing my framework for ethical selling, but also teaching:

  • My 10 Commandments of Selling that I live by and swear by, which resulted in over 10 million dollars of sales and created a thriving community of humans who trust me deeply, recommend me to their friends, have become my allies.

  • How to create ethical urgency. That means being able get people buying TODAY without amplifying their pain, generating fake scarcity or having to do a stressful song and dance to ‘bait’ them. (If you noticed, saying “I’m here whenever you need me” and just waiting and waiting doesn’t really pay the bills…)

  • How to become your own sales coach. You have a uniquely genius sales blueprint inside YOU. Yes, you have one that is different from everyone else’s; I guarantee it. You can make all the money you want doing things in a way that feels like YOU, beacuse fuck one-size-fits-all.

Grab this class today.

And learn how to hit your sales goals every time and sleep well at night… for good.

This 2-hour masterclass was recorded live in July 2022. ASL interpretation provided.



“I loved your class SOOOOO MUCH - everything you said felt NEW to me AND like something my soul was deeply knowing. Needless to say: WOW!!!

"The masterclass is a game-changer, the ultimate business banger, a total fling flanger that flung me on to the roof of my most abundant truth and left no question unanswered. Just wow. THANK YOU, SIMONE. Those tips don’t LIE!”

— Lucy

“I've learned more from you after spending $25 than I have after spending over $100,000 on various ‘gurus’ of marketing.

“Sales is like flirting and getting someone into bed with you.

“If I'm turned on by it, it's going to be alluring to others.

“Here's the thing: back in March, I realized I hated the business I had, and I was trying to do things everyone else's way. I let go of most of my team and realized I needed to find *my unique* way of telling the world I'm here to coach them into a life they love without fluff.

And I said, "I have to do it my way."

“I never thought I needed permission, but since you came into my life, I've started sharing more authentically and trying to repel the people who don't like me and will never buy from me.”

— Dr. G


“My biggest takeaway is that suffering is optional when it comes to business. Your creativity is what makes your genius flourish and when you try to stuff it into too small cheap marketing shoes, everyone can tell you are not enjoying yourself, including you. The end.”

— Emily

“This class was fantastic.

I want to watch it again (so many great things were said!) but 2 things you said gave me so much energy and power:

1. « When in doubt, be transparent. »

Just with that I finally gave myself permission to just be transparent. With myself and others.

These last few days, following your class, I changed things up. Showed up transparently in my pricing, in my challenges, transparent with my ambition. I feel transparent. I will continue to be transparent and push myself to not hide behind doubt.

2. « Take your offer on dates »

Once again, mind drama gone. I went on a date with my offer. I reminded myself that this is so much fun. Being a coach and a business owner is fun. I know why I am here. I know what I want to offer. I know what I want to help people with and how.I am not doing everything wrong. I love what I offer. I love that I can change it. I love that I make mistakes and learn from them. I love that there is always place for growth. I love it. I fell right back in love.

Thank you Simone for your work. You are a fantastic example, teacher, coach, mentor. Thank you for empowering me, for helping me trust myself, for cheering on me.”

— Flora

“I took away a big relief from knowing that seeking can feel pure and innocent. There's no need for learning stressful strategies which always made me feel very stiff.

“I love that the way you teach is transmitting the fact that everything I need is already inside of me and I can trust myself. Phew! That's freedom.

“And another nugget of gold was to understand that it's about relationship building, not about quick and fast selling. That feels true and natural to me. It inspires me to be creative and enjoy the process.

“Oh, and the fact that being so turned on by my own offer is the key to attracting clients, I was like, ‘Of course!!! Why did I never saw it like that???’

“Thanks you for your genorousity Simone! I'm so inspired.”

“The Non-Abusive Selling masterclass was like receiving a blank permission slip to show up however the fuck I want in my business. With the belief that what and who I am, today and every day is: 1) enough, 2) exactly right and 3) precisely the characteristics the people I support are seeking in a coach.”

— Gemma

“GIRL, I had so much fun watching this video. I laughed so much and learned a lot. I'm already having more fun in my business because of how you showed up for this class. THANK YOU!!”

— Kelly

“This class was amazing. The part about desire really juiced me up. It was the exact medicine my business needed! This would have been worth 10x the price.”

— Arlen

“My biggest takeaways from this class are:

1. The energy you bring to the table is so much more important than the actual words coming out of your mouth

2. It is safe (and profitable) to show up as yourself (and you make more money doing so)

“My biggest change since taking the class is: Consistently (and in high doses) giving myself permission shots to show up as myself even more and even more (like gradually increasing the dosage of an authenticity pill).”

— Emily

“The masterclass was awesome! The biggest takeaway was to stop editing and doubting myself and my voice so damn much. Easier said than done, but I am doing the deep work and practicing just fucking putting it out there. I didn't used to be someone who curtailed my own voice so much but was trained by culture and mentors to "be nice, don't push people's boundaries" blah blah blah! fuck that shit!

“I am learning to be okay with not being liked by everyone, I didn't used to care. Then I cared too much. Now I'm so over caring. I want my people to find me, but they can't do that if I don't put myself, my whole honest opinionated and experienced self, out there.”

— JK


“I loved the comparison to dating, and thanks to the analogy, I saw much better where I tend to away my power/leadership."

“The biggest change consequently is holding back way less and bringing the fire/leadership to connection & prospect calls (which is part of my larger journey anyway, so I love the timing on that one <3 )”

— Anna

“My biggest takeaway is being given a permission of not bullying myself into liking my offer, but acknowledging that maaaybe somethings have changed.

“So, I changed my offer and it seems so true to me, so aligned and so fresh. Already inspired to invite people to come.

I expect to listen to the masterclass once a month indefinitely.”

— Marina

“I was able to change my reactions to the number of likes to my posts and podcast subscribers from "that sucks!" And feeling resentment to ‘oh, they HAVE paid me!’ I am much more loving to myself and them as a result.

“I left the class feeling like yeah, my offer is sexy and connected to me energetically, which is better than the marriage of convenience I found out it was when I was doing my self coaching. Yay!

I'm not afraid to be sexy or passionate or horny for the work I do. (I'm kind of tittering to myself as I reread that). I'm proud of myself and love that this is direction my mind and body want to go.

“There were questions you asked throughout the class that I took the time to answer. Boy, that was freaking rewarding. I'm glad I took that time for myself. I've had so many realizations from that work that it's helping me change how I approach each post. I'm more me than I've ever been and that's pretty fucking cool.”

— Diana

“You are putting to words where I’ve felt stuck - and it feels really freeing. I’m so excited to implement some of the things you talked about in your masterclass. I’m a relatively new coach with 6 regular clients, but have felt ‘meh’ the last few months because I was focusing on the money, not the people. Last week after watching your class I felt a HUGE shift. I am so excited about what I do now and can’t wait to keep going.

“My biggest change since taking this masterclass: I’m changing the way I’m going to come across on social media. I’ve wanted to play for so long and have held back and now I REALLY want to play. I’m approaching my business now with fun and playfulness, not from fear, ugh-ness and scarcity. The next few months as I shift my approach are going to be so fun.”

— Whitney

“This masterclass is world class. I've recommended it to my friends and peers!

“As a result of this class, I'm doing things to spruce up my desire for my offer suite. I already have one offer which I'm not energetically behind and it's time for me to rearrange it, make it lighter and sexier.

“Thanks again, Simone!”

— Sarah

“A couple of months ago I had this realization that I am playing out an old attachment pattern in relation to my business. I am in the middle of a major pivot and I was full of anxious & pursuing energy instead of meeting this new stage from a place of security and self-worth. So the analogy of leaving an old relationship and starting a new one came up and suddenly it all became so clear.

“Listening to this masterclass has been such a reinforcement that I am on the right track and also has taken a realization onto a whole new level, a level I didn't quite dare to go, an old wound around sexuality & my relationship to marketing & selling.

“It is not just a takeaway but a whole paradigm shift! I feel some old staff starting to crumble and something new is emerging.”


“I'll try to contain my gush cause... wow... the workshop was stellar!!!!

What really spoke to me was...

“- The idea of marketing/dating, sales/relationship.

“- I love the idea of relating to my business like a person.. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's chuckled at... me, business, client.. wait that's a threesome! ha

“- I LOVE how seamlessly and effortlessly you bring in sexual energy into the mix.

“Hearing/seeing an empowered, successful, raw, and real person who looks like me actually talking about some of these issues has in many ways been a bit part of my creative recovery the past year.

“Big thanks and gratitude from my body, heart, and mind (and soon bank account ha!)!”

— Justin

“So many things happened, since I’ve watched your masterclass yesterday.

“Now it feels aligned and joyful and truthful and sustainable.

“Can’t wait for more!”

— Judith