Simone with a cute bob haircut smudging blue paint on her cheek, next to the title of the workshop "Secret Class: Model Heresy."

Model Heresy

New Ways to Play with the Model for the Weirdos, Witches, and the Perpetually Curious

Get lifetime access to the replay of my wildly popular secret class.

I do some very strange things with the self-coaching Model. And my strange ways get me hella insane results in my life and business, so I want to share them with you.

I don't try to "break" the model, or add to it, or subtract from it, or turn it into something different. I deeply respect the model as it is taught by its creator, Brooke Castillo.

However, I have some really funky ways of playing with it, which I have found to:

  • take me beyond my cognitive brain and into my unconscious programming,

  • feels super liberating and playful, and;

  • most importantly for me, creates space for magic and spirituality to enter in.

I have used "weird approaches to the Model" to create some seriously good shit in my business, like:

  1. Consistently producing ideas at the highest edge of my creativity,

  2. Business mastery - to the tune of 2 million dollars of cash revenue in 12 months, and;

  3. An utterly magic community of world-changing kindred spirits around me...

... but I have never taught them before.

Not in my podcasts, not in my paid program, and not even in my mastermind.

You'll be among the first to learn it.