How to sign renewal clients



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Does the thought of having a sales conversation with your clients about renewing their coaching contract fill you with dread and anxiety? You might have dream clients you absolutely love working with, and who you know adore you, yet the anticipation of asking them if they’d like to renew is so terrifying that it all comes to an end without a single conversation. 

If you want to learn how to confidently lead your clients to say yes to another round of coaching, this episode is for you. There’s really only one thing you need awareness around to have powerful conversations with your clients about re-upping their coaching with you, and I’m breaking it down for you right here. 

Tune in this week to discover the four obstacles that keep people from renewing their coaching, and how to work around them so that you can be amazing at signing your ideal clients over and over again. I continuously have repeat clients who keep coming back to work with me, and I’m sharing my insights so this can be your experience too. 

Get ready to un-suck your marketing, forever. The doors to Joyful Marketing are open right now!

If you want a shot of fresh inspiration and actionable tips to improve your marketing every single week, sign up to my email list. By signing up, you’ll receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips, so get on it!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The questions you need to ask yourself to examine your thoughts on renewals.

  • 4 obstacles that keep people from renewing with coaches they love. 

  • Why I have so many clients who keep wanting to work with me. 

  • What you need to exercise if you want to powerfully coach your clients on renewals. 

  • The power of repeated investment with the same coach. 

  • How to be amazing at signing your clients on re-ups.

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