Reimagining the language around coaching and business



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Why is it our default to first and foremost monetize whatever we do? Why does success have to make sense in capitalism-defined ways of thinking? Do you want to experience your soul’s work as a business, or something entirely different?

These are some of the questions I’ve been thinking about as I reimagine the language we use around coaching and business. So much of our conditioning and programming is born from constructs of colonization, domination, hierarchy, conquests, and acquisition, and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a detox.

Join me this week as I offer you food for thought as you think about the language you use around your coaching, marketing, and business. You’ll hear why we’re driven to fit our creativity and vocation into capitalistic measures of success, how you can reconsider what to put at the center of your life and business, and how we can all experience marketing, selling, and buying in a way that leaves both parties feeling a sense of sacred purpose and aliveness.


The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand-new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How we’ve been conditioned to look at our soul’s work and creativity. 

  • Why I was never discouraged in my business when I wasn’t making close to a full-time living. 

  • The reason so many of my clients feel a sense of incongruence and discomfort about marketing and business. 

  • Why understanding myself as part of a community sits so much better in my soul than an individual focus. 

  • How we’ve been taught to assess and value where our work belongs in the world. 

Featured on the Show:

  • Sign up to my email list and receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips!

  • If this episode is making you think, I would love if you could share your thoughts with me over on Instagram!

  • I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!

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