How to Become a High-End Coach: Interview with Natalie Fisher

Natalie Fisher, my client, is a career mindset coach.

She now easily and consistently generates new consults and signs ideal clients. But that wasn't always the case, even though she's always been an amazing coach, passionate, and hard-working... and had a huge list for a long time.

In our work together, she learned how think and market like a high-end coach... and all the results she wanted followed from that. 

Like 40K revenue in 6 months while actually doing LESS work.

In this podcast, I interview her and we spill the beans on:

  • Why selling lower-priced products isn’t easier

  • Low-end coach thinking vs. high-end coach thinking

  • How a low-end coach writes sales pages vs. high-end coach

  • How to handle when a client says "I'm good today, I don't know if I need coaching"

  • How Natalie changed her thoughts about the pandemic, upgraded her offer and started creating better results for herself and clients

  • An exact example of the kind of email that create 6 consults

If you want to get off the hamster wheel of doing a lot of work for low-end services with small price tags, and start positioning yourself as a high-end coach from integrity, this is a must-listen.

Show notes:
 Find Natalie here:


How I made $210K in 9 days


For fun interview with my husband