Making a million dollars Q&A



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Welcome to part two of my making-a-million-dollars experience! Last week, I shared some of my general thoughts about what got me here, and as promised, I’m answering a few questions that I’ve received about making a million dollars today. 

There were common themes that appeared across the dozens of questions that I got, and I’ve culled them down to get to the core of what I think will be most helpful to you. Some of these questions provided an opportunity for me to offer new reframes to the questions, to help you shift your perspective around your own entrepreneurial journey. 

Join me on the podcast this week for my making a million dollars Q&A episode! I hope my answers today give you a deeper insight into my own mindset around creating sustainable success, and that it helps you get to a million dollars in your business too! 

Get ready to un-suck your marketing, forever. The doors to Joyful Marketing are open right now!

If you want a shot of fresh inspiration and actionable tips to improve your marketing every single week, sign up to my email list. By signing up, you’ll receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips, so get on it!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why how long it took me to make a million dollars is an irrelevant question. 

  • More useful questions to ask yourself than the length of time it takes to achieve a goal.

  • How I stay creative even when I’m overloaded. 

  • The investments I made that moved the needle in my business. 

  • How new clients found me and my work. 

  • What you have to be willing to do to create sustainable entrepreneurial success.

  • How I think about confidence.

  • The most significant thing I was willing to do that others might not be. 

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Making a million dollars