How to be a master of the "small sell"

Note: This episode is a continuation of this previous episode, Big sell vs. Small sell. Listen to that first.

If you want people to say yes to your offer, you have to help them feel safe. That's the magic of the small sell -- creating safety in the "yes".

And I've been running a "small sell challenge" in my Facebook group, which has been getting people amazing results.

But the truth is that the magic isn't in my community, or my challenge, created by me.

You can, and should, create your own small sell challenge at all times... so you can create clients at all times.

In this episode, I teach you how to THINK so that you are constantly inspiring your people to say yes to themselves, and to your offer.

Join my Facebook group, Fearless Marketing for Life Coaches.


How to market when you have trauma: Interview with Karen C.L. Anderson


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