IG Live: Introducing Hot Rage Summer



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A planet on fire, toxic capitalist dystopia, the ruthless commodification of your creativity, and the sheer exhaustion of survival got you down? 

I recently posted on Instagram about something called Hot Rage Summer. It's a play on Hot Girl Summer, but we're having a hot rage summer because so many of us are raging. And if we're not raging, we're probably not paying attention.

So many people around me are tired and exhausted. Their hearts are hurting, their bodies are hurting, wallets are hurting, everything is hurting.

So I went a little overboard this summer and I am packing it full of extraordinary classes and podcast interviews, which are all going to be free. Plus, I’m offering 100% free + 100% outrageously useful masterclasses for life, business and activism... for those of us who are screaming into the void.

Sign up for the first class in the masterclass series starting on June 6th, 2023: The Dilemma of Selling Individual Solutions

Grab the book
Regenerative Business by Samantha Garcia (99 cents until Friday, May 2nd) to be admitted to the Regenerative Business masterclass on June 14th, 2023.

Join my email list to be updated on all upcoming free classes!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why so many of us are hurting right now.

  • What Hot Rage Summer is all about.

  • Why you might want to sign up for my upcoming masterclass.

Featured on the Show:

  • The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023, so click here to sign up!

  • Sign up to my email list

  • Share your thoughts with me over on Instagram

  • Join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing here

Enjoy the Show?



How to actually make money selling cheap offers


Regenerative Business with Sam Garcia