Fuck your coach



For weekly marketing inspiration on

I am the world’s second best business coach. It’s not because I’m humble, or because I don’t think I am the best at what I do. It’s because you are always going to be your own best business coach. So this week, I have an assignment for all of you, and that is to fire me from your brain.

If you have installed me as an authority who contradicts your instincts, desire, discernment, or wisdom, the truth is there is no one, no institution, and no ideology that has greater business insight than you do for your business. Nothing will ever be a better teacher than your own heart, mind, and body, and I’m showing you how to follow those inner guides on this episode.

Listen in this week as I encourage you to knock me off of the pedestal that says I know better than you, and instead, follow the breadcrumbs of your instincts. I’m sharing a poem called Fuck Your Coach inspired by one of my Joyful Marketing clients, so you can recognize the teachings available from your own mind and body, and install yourself as the biggest authority in your own business. 

If you want to dive deeper and do the work of unearthing what makes you unique, and you want a step-by-step process for showing up in a way where people look to you as the authority and expert, whether without a niche or a very specific one, I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • A story from one of our coaching calls inside Joyful Marketing. 

  • How you might be giving over your authority to your mentors. 

  • Why you are your own best business coach. 

  • Questions to ask to guide yourself as your own best teacher. 

  • Why coaching works so much better when you stop outsourcing your authority. 

  • How to identify if you’re accessing your wisdom or reacting from your trauma response.

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