Highlights from Coaching the Unconscious Mind

a finger reaching towards a digital image of a brain.


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You’re getting a huge treat on the podcast this week, my friend. My co-conspirator of The Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created, Melissa Tiers and I recently ran a three-part masterclass series to give you a taste of Coaching the Unconscious Mind, and you get to hear the highlights right here. 

Our three-part masterclass series encompassed three different topics: how to change any memory, how to change any habit, and deep trance magic. These highlights are going to give you a frame of reference for all the different ways you can coach the unconscious mind and add some incredibly powerful tools to your coaching, so listen in close. 

Tune in this week to get a taste of what you’ll experience in The Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created with me and Melissa Tiers. Melissa is taking us through various techniques for manipulating your memory, stopping unwanted habits in their tracks, and her expertise on all things deep trance magic. And if you want to watch these masterclasses in their entirety for free, you can check them out here

The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How memory works in our brains and how it’s relevant to our client work.

  • The 4 steps of memory re-consolidation. 

  • How you might already be playing with manipulating your memory.

  • The science of habit change.

  • A simple protocol you can utilize to stop unwanted habits in their tracks. 

  • Why deep trance magic is part of Melissa’s work as a practitioner. 

  • How deep trance magic and hypnosis differ from meditation. 

  • One of the ways we go in and out of trance all the time. 

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