Black Coaches talk Anti-Racist Leadership

“Black Lives Matter is not a trend in the African-American community… you don’t get to take a break from being black.” - Ruth Duren

“Use your voice. Know that people who aren’t here for your message will fall away, and that’s a good thing.” - Brandy Morris

“Pain is the birthplace of epic change.” - Coco Madari

“I’m up for the fight. And I want to dance my way through it.” - April Baskin

I invited four powerhouse black life coaches to come together speak candidly about their own anti-racist leadership.

April, Ruth, Brandy, and Coco talk about:

  • Moving through emotional trauma to get to clarity and truth

  • Separating individual “blame” vs. systemic responsibility

  • Self-correcting as a leader

  • The tension between being compassionate and un-apologetic 

  • The future of Black Lives Matter

  • Plugging into joy and hope in the midst of it all

This conversation will not only change the way you think about social justice, it will change the way you think about coaching and human transformation.

Listen and learn.


Find April Baskin on her websiteFacebook, and Instagram.

Connect with Brandy Morris on Instagram and subscribe to her emails.

Find Coco Madari on their Facebook page, Do Epic Shit podcast and Instagram.

Connect with Ruth Duren through her website and Instagram.


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