
“I hope you are reading this while laying down!”
— Tricia Hersey
Hey, friend.
I have a confession to make.
I’ve been a marketing teacher for a good while. I published the marketing bible for life coaches, and have been producing a top-rated marketing podcast for years. And since 2020, I’ve led one of the most successful marketing training programs in the coaching industry.
And… this year, I finally feel like I have the experience, perspective, and maturity as a human, businesswoman, and teacher to be able to articulate what I’ve really been trying to do with it all this time, underneath all the layers.
Here’s one thing I know. Over the years, the biggest thing I have accomplished is not money or worldly influence. It is:
The quality of being profoundly at home with myself, and in my business.
The strange thing is, it’s not just me who thinks this. My clients think so too!
I know that because the #1 feedback I’ve gotten from clients is, “You teach marketing on the surface, but you really teach how to come home to yourself.”
So… here I am with a different and new (but actually, not new at all) invitation from my heart… with the clearest, most direct, and coherent articulation of what I’ve been trying to do all along.
Allow me to walk you home.
When you’re in a home you love, you have unconditional belonging and safety. There’s room to rest, and room to play. You get to sit alone in peace, or throw a big party. And you have the freedom to change your mind whenever you want.
Believe it or not, you get to have that in your BUSINESS. All of it. You get to have it in:
the way you create and deliver your offerings
the way you market and sell
the way you relate to your followers and clients
the way you hire
the way you earn, spend, save, and give your money
Not only do you get to have it… you MUST have it. That is, if you care for the long-term health of your body and spirit…
… and if you care about making the most powerful impact you can have on the world. Because there’s no place from which you can have a greater contribution than the place of profoundly belonging to yourself.
This is the central thread underlying everything worth a damn that I’ve ever taught.
My personal North Star.
It has been, and continues to be, the focal point of 100% of my personal and spiritual work, as well as the uncompromising guiding principle underneath every single business decision of mine.
And I can’t think of anything more important or urgent to teach you.

Here’s what being at home with myself in my business has allowed me to do over the years:
burn down multi-million-dollar products without a second thought (or a plan for what’s next) the minute I realized it was no longer aligned… with deep trust and steadiness in my steps
create a body of work that continues to pivot and evolve dynamically, and yet… gathers more and more aligned allies and students year after year
run a business that creates a beautiful income for me and my family, while smashing through every label or box anyone’s ever attempted to put on it
allow myself to fall apart and come back together in public again and again, with zero shadow of shame or smallness
gather a community of intelligent, curious, creative people around me who truly “get” me and my mission, and continue to support me and buy from me — no matter what unconventional move I make
live out my commitments to community without fear or scarcity — whether it’s in the form of speaking truth to taboo and shame-ridden topics, creating radically class-equitable pricing systems and scholarships, or conducting bold experiments with giving back to mutual aid and humanitarian relief each year
Not everyone is built the same way.
Your genius and priorities are different. And how you touch the world with your gifts will be different from the way I do, or the way anyone else does.
And I want to equip you with the perspective, skills, and practices to find YOUR way home.
All things considered, building a profitable business isn’t actually that hard, or rare.
People do it everyday with a combination of some privilege, some foundational skills, a little luck, and a good bit of elbow grease.
But you know what’s fucking RARE? A profitable business that:
you do NOT burn out from year after year, decade after decade
has room for you to evolve, die and be reborn again and again
is fiercely true to your values
and leaves a legacy of liberation in the world
Now, that is rare.
People think it’s hard. And it can be.
But not when you’re doing the work that we’re going to do together.
HOME offers tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing.
Here’s everything we’ll be diving into:
Every single aspect of marketing
Congruent strategies for starting a business, creating a working offer, selling to your first paying clients, and growing it to an abundant and sustainable living for you
Bringing more joy, wholeness, and sustainability to an established and advanced business
Skillfully walking through business or identity transitions
Resting as a human right, activism and business strategy (we take naps and sabbaticals very seriously!)
Creating space for everything that is unpalatable, “un-marketable,” non-capitalism-friendly, ugly, ill, decaying, dysfunctional, raging, inconsistent, dirty, and taboo in you, and creating a home for those places in your business (if your full humanity doesn’t belong, none of us can fully belong)
Making more money in the Right Relationship framework
And when making more money is NOT what Right Relationship asks for, intentionally and strategically making decisions to hold your income steady or even decrease your income (NOT because you’re incapable of earning more, but because it’s the right thing to do in terms of your values, responsibility to community, and the health of your spirit)
Answering the call towards intentional destruction in business, and finding the inherent richness, orderliness, and beauty in them
Grappling with the dark side of power, rank, and hierarchy dynamics, and learning to occupy and carry your power cleanly and responsibly
Developing such a powerful sense of yourself that marketing becomes an exercise in rooted presence
Interrogating the threads of systemic oppression running through common business practices, especially the parts where we are complicit in perpetuating and benefiting from them, and developing the capacity to take action toward accountability and change
Being at HOME in your business requires a set of skills. And you can develop a fluency in them.
When you’re fluent in them, here’s what happens.
You are no longer tempted to look to business gurus and marketing experts, and fall into endless cycles of personal development consumerism
You feel grounded by an integrity that does not bend to greed, fear, shaming, or flattery
You easily inspire trust from others because you exude that integrity
You’re able to access the courage that enables you to make radical decisions to dismantle oppressive systems, whether it’s deconstructing what’s “working” but no longer spiritually or ethically aligned, creating equitable pricing systems, building in more accessibility into your business, or funneling your money directly toward community healing…
AND, all at the same time, you’re able to create a living that supports a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones, and allows you to leave a legacy that is meaningful to you.
This work is for you whether you’re an artist, writer, coach, therapist, activist, spiritual worker, healer, community organizer, or non-profit leader.
This work is for you whether you’re dreaming of starting a business for the first time, or have 800,000 followers and millions of dollars flowing through your bank accounts.
Because it will take all of us.
Congruence and Right Relationship
These are the frameworks and skills that are at the heart of HOME.
Put in the simplest way, congruence means alignment with what is true and whole. To elaborate some more:
It is stepping up to your chosen values and commitments rather than following scripts that have been handed down from dominant paradigms.
Maybe, for you, that script that’s been handed down from your family of origin, culture, or religion has been “be consistent, reliable, and legible.”
Or “work hard and do your best.”
Or “be professional” (which, by the way, almost always means “act more like a white man”).
Or the ultimate unquestioned script in capitalist business: “make more and more and more money forever, grow faster and faster and faster, and buy more and more and more…”
We will decide on purpose how we move through the world, whether that means:
deciding that you’re going to give yourself regular naps
leaving money on the table on purpose
or choosing honest and vulnerable conversations instead of presenting an “I have it all together” facade
You will find what your assignment toward congruence is. And we will work together on expanding your capacity to hold fast to your commitments while taking really, really good care of yourself.
Congruence is the art of partnering with your brain.
And when I say “brain,” I don’t mean the organized, ever-“motivated,” linear, consistent brain you wish you had. I mean the wild, unruly, brilliant, creative, terrible, and unique 1-in-8-billion brain that you were born with. This is a huge part of my teaching inside HOME because this alone will unlock 90% of what you’re looking for.
It is the skill of partnering with the spirit of your business.
Yes, that is a real thing. Your business has its own spirit, which has a consciousness and intelligence all on its own. You can talk to it, and it talks back. And it knows how to grow your business better than the world’s most famous business coach. Honing this communication is everything, and we will talk about it nonstop at HOME.
It is the quality of your outsides aligning with your insides.
Ever talk to someone who is perfectly nice and polite to you, but you just know there’s something else going on inside? That’s one of the most glaring examples of incongruence.
When you’re around someone whose outside IS the same as their inside, your body recognizes it before your mind does. You unconsciously relax around them and trust them. This is the #1 most critical principle I teach in marketing, and I elaborate on it and talk about it to death inside HOME.
Imagine you have a garden.
Let’s say you have a patch of land, you’ve planted all your favorite flowers, shrubs and trees, and you have nurtured an immaculate garden. Everything is in perfect form and symmetry.
The thing about the garden is, as beautiful as it is, it constantly needs you to work on it in order for it to be sustained. If you abandoned a garden and came back to it 6 months later, it would be… dead. Or wildly overgrown.
On the other hand, consider a rainforest. It is a phenomenally diverse and complex ecosystem that may not look all that “orderly” to the modern Western eyes. It is even ugly and gross in parts. There are a million, trillion things teeming, crawling, flying, flowering, eating, excreting, dying, and rotting in it.
But if you “abandon” a rainforest and come back to it 6 months later, what happens?
It would… be lush and alive and thriving exactly as before.
When you are a congruent participant in your business, your business feels like that rainforest, rather than a painstakingly upkept garden that wouldn’t survive a single long vacation from you.
That fucking matters.
And I want to equip you with the perspective and skills to create that.
(With big thanks to Sam Garcia and her book Regenerative Business for this gorgeous metaphor.)
Let’s talk about Right Relationship.
Right Relationship is an idea that originates from Indigenous wisdom and activism. It is the state of relationship with another being that is grounded in reciprocity, respect, and harmony.
One thing that supremacist culture took away from all of us – even those with the most power and privilege – is our fundamental sense of connectedness to all that is.
Right Relationship starts with seeing all that is around us – including supposedly “inanimate” things like stones, soil, rivers, roads, and yes, even the structure of your business or flow of money – as alive, intelligent, and worthy of dignity and respectful engagement.
It means showing up as an equal partner in relationship to those beings, rather than manipulating, controlling, and bending them to our agendas to produce maximum profit.
In the Right Relationship framework, we don’t do marketing “to” people, because people aren’t a passive “target.” We don’t “capture” leads, “convert,” or “overcome objections.” (Notice the not-so-subtle energy of domination and supremacist violence in all of these words.)
Instead, we invite people into consensual, transparent, and mutually congruent relationship — whether you’re writing email or social media copy, podcasting, creating a sales page, or having a face-to-face conversation.
If congruence is the way we stand in who we are, Right Relationship is how we build things with others. These two ideas are the key, the map, the compass that will give you the answers for EVERYTHING else in your business.
Imagine yourself growing ever more fluent in practicing these principles.
Our businesses are a living ecosystem, this takes skill, devotion, and ongoing attentiveness and work.
And that’s why HOME offers lifetime access. I want you to have a space you can grow and renew into, year after year.
HOME offers tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing.
Pragmatic Details
Okay, so… what do you actually get when you come in? Below is what you will have lifetime access to.
(Important note: when I say ‘“lifetime access,” I don’t mean that things will stay the same for a lifetime. The only thing I can guarantee about my offers is that they will evolve! But whatever iteration of this container + community happens next, you’ll be invited to come with me.)
(1) Access to ALL current and teaching content I create for this container
Get immediate access to all previous coaching call recordings, as well as existing teaching modules on creating a customized business map, copywriting, non-mysterious and non-gimmicky sales, creating group programs, and practicing allyship through business.
You will also get access to all future events and teaching content created for HOME. (There is new stuff every single month.)
(2) Weekly conversations with Simone
According to many of our members, this is the most magical part of the program. The schedule of Zoom calls are set monthly and be made available in advance. We will hold calls at different times on different weeks to make it possible for those with different commitments and time zones to participate live.
(3) Facebook community
We have a Facebook community that, according to many members, is truly exceptional because… when I say community, I don’t mean “a random mishmash of people who bought the same program.”
I mean a real fucking community, where people know and give a genuine shit about each other, check up on each other, co-regulate skillfully, and love and support the ever living heck out of each other through all the ups and downs, growth and decay, celebrations and mournings of life and business. Honestly, it’s kind of a minor miracle, but we have it.
I am very active in there most days, facilitating and teaching and loving on you in real time.
We are also a space that honors and celebrates the wisdom and lived experiences of people of color, neurodivergent humans, disabled humans, and those from non-Western, non-dominant cultures, spiritual traditions, and geographies.
(4) Exclusive invitations to special events
They don’t happen all the time. But when they do, they are a surprise, and totally magical.

Pricing for Entrepreneurs
HOME offers tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing for lifetime membership.
We believe that pricing doesn't have to be a weapon of classism: it, like marketing, can and should be a joyful act of service that creates stronger communities. Our model is inspired by the Green Bottle Model from Worts + Cunning.
We also want to help to create a conscious, intentional and value-aligned culture of payment. Please read the following criteria and determine which price is appropriate for you:
If you have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings;
if you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life;
if you have economic privilege and power in our community, this price is for you.
By choosing this price, you are “paying it forward” and contributing to a more equitable world by supporting course access for those with less.
You may be paying off debt or working to build savings, but you also have access to steady income.
You do NOT spend most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc.
Making this investment might mean you might have to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, buying a new outfit, or going on vacation), but the sacrifice is short-term, and will not harm you in the long term.
You have access to basic needs such as food, housing, and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.
You are able to put away money each month to save up to be able to pay for the program, but the middle tier price would mean that you have to save for longer than 12 months.
Don’t have a debit or credit card? You can still join HOME today (pay in full option only) with a Wise or wire transfer. Click here to email our support team to set that up.
Please be mindful that if you opt into a lower price when you can truthfully afford a higher price, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. If buying this course means making short-term sacrifices, having to get creative, or asking others for financial support, but does not actually jeopardize your safety, we ask that you use those resources before using the sliding scale, which will limit opportunities for others.
You being honest about your financial situation helps us to grow a healthy and sustainable community.

Special Pricing for Activists + Nonprofit Workers
Fund your cause. Get your people showing up.
Even if you don’t have a business, you need better marketing skills.
Good marketing is the difference between a struggling and under-funded cause and a well-funded cause that people are excited to support. When you know how to think like an expert marketer, the sky is the limit when it comes to how much good you can do in the world.
My roots are in the nonprofit world. Grantwriting for healthcare organizations in under-served communities is how I cut my teeth in persuasive writing. If you, too, are an activist or a nonprofit worker who wants to be more effective at rallying people, I want to teach YOU what I’ve learned in the past 10 years to be able to regularly raise 6-figures for humanitarian causes and mutual aid.
And you are invited to take advantage of our special $250 pricing — either pay-in-full, or divided into 5 monthly payments of $50.
This tier is ONLY for those who spend the majority of their work life dedicated to a cause or movement for which they are either NOT paid or severely underpaid, which they have NO intention of turning into a for-profit business. Business owners are INELIGIBLE.