Marketing on Cultural Taboos with Stephanie Spinelli



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Warning: Today’s episode contains topics and language that might be painful to those who are struggling with the betrayal of an affair. If hearing about this is triggering, please skip this episode or listen with caution. 

This week, I’m speaking to my former mastermind student and returning guest to the show, Stephanie Spinelli. I’ve been closely following her work, and when I saw the niche she was in, I knew I had to invite her back to the podcast for another conversation. 

Stephanie is a life coach who helps people in marriages or partnerships on both sides of infidelity. What she’s doing is setting such a profound example of how to shed light on and offer support on topics that are considered culturally taboo, and I just had to pick her brain about how she decided to land on this niche, and her experience of taking up space publicly to talk about it. 

Join us on this episode as Stephanie and I explore a niche that’s both delicate and often shrouded in shame. We’re discussing how she’s offering compassion and relief for many people through her work, her experience of sharing her own infidelity story, and how she filters her decisions about practicing transparency within a taboo subject.

The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand-new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Stephanie decided to land on her culturally taboo niche. 

  • Stephanie’s insights on attracting people to a container that’s delicate or taboo. 

  • How to take steps to respect different opinions on a taboo subject. 

  • The Higher Self Activation process Stephanie takes her clients through.

  • Why she was dragging her feet on this niche for so long, and what made her believe she could do it. 

  • How Stephanie found the courage to share her infidelity story. 

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